Non-Ionic Surfactant
1 % Triton X-100.
TEDEQUIM® Endo-quim Non-ionic Surfactant helps reducing surface tension and allows penetration of irrigation solutions into the root canals.
Particularmente esta solución Triton X-100 al 1% tiene la ventaja de permeabilizar las membranas celulares y facilitar la acción de las otras soluciones de limpieza. Al ser no iónico es compatible con todas las soluciones de irrigación y con el quelante. It also has lipophilic action, immunity to pH changes and does not inhibit enzymatic activity.
It’s convenient to use TEDEQUIM® Endo-quim Non-ionic Surfactant before/instead of other irrigating solutions to increase the penetration capacity of sodium hypochlorite or other solutions.
Presentation form
- 1 unit x 500 mL.
- Replacement box of 15 units x 20 mL (each).