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Tooth Bleaching Kit for exclusive professional in-office use.
Microabrasion technique.

TEDEQUIM® Clarident-TA is a kit for performing a complete treatment of dental whitening with microabrasion technique in dental offices.

TEDEQUIM® Clarident-TA is specially effective in the treatment of stains caused by fluorosis in dental enamel of moderate to severe degree, where conventional peroxide bleaching methods are not enough. Our microabrasion technique combines 18 % hydrochloric acid and a silicon carbide-based abrasive powder to effectively remove stubborn stains and restore natural whiteness of the teeth.

Kit for more than 50 items.

Presentation form

Silicon carbide x 15 g.
Hydrochloric acid x 6 mL.
Neutralizing solution x 6 mL.
Gingival protector.
Disposable spatulas.
Disposable applicators.

Clarident TA Blanqueador Tecnica microabrasiva